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Senior Lecturer in Finance, Auckland University of Technology

Ihsan is a Senior Lecturer in Finance at AUT University & a Research Fellow at The Auckland Centre for Financial Research. His research interest includes investments, empirical asset pricing, international financial markets, and risk management. His recent research focuses on empirical asset pricing, the effect of economic policy uncertainty on managed funds and other assets, informed trading in the options market, and risk spillover & contagion effects across the capital markets. Ihsan's research has been published in leading A* and A ranked (ABDC) journals, including Energy Economics, Journal of Futures Markets, Emerging Market Review, International Review of Financial Analysis, International Review of Finance, and Global Finance Journal, etc. He has been refereeing for many reputable Finance journals & acted as an external examiner for several PhD & Master theses. He has presented in the leading international finance conferences around the globe. Ihsan research work has been funded by several external & internal organizations including Nasdaq Nordic Foundation. Ihsan holds a PhD degree in Finance, and MSc in Computational Finance from Hanken School of Economics, Finland.


  • –present
    Senior Lecturer in Finance, Auckland University of Technology


  • 2010 
    Hanken School of Economics, Finance