Iqbal RF Elyazar is Deputy Head Unit and Biostatistician at Eijkman-Oxford Clinical Research Unit. He earned a BSc in Statistics, MPH in Health Informatics, and DPhil in Malaria Disease Mapping. He has focused on biostatistics, disease surveillance, spatial epidemiology and malaria elimination strategies for 17 years. He received a Wellcome Trust Fellowship of Public Health and Tropical Medicine in 2012. He aims to develop a quantitative framework for human mobility and assess the feasibility of eliminating malaria in Indonesia. The work will prioritize three areas: using mobile phone data to explore the patterns of human movement across the archipelago; determining the likely sources, risks and number of imported malaria cases; and mapping the operational feasibility of and constraints on malaria elimination. This research will be essential for comprehensively improving the national evidence-based malaria control strategies to reach the pre-elimination stage by 2020 and to be free of malaria in 2030.