Isabella M. Radhuber held a Rosa Luxemburg Foundation scholarship in the ‘Democracy and Capitalism’ Working Group and has been working as a Post-Doctoral Fellow in the Project on Conflict and Cooperation in Developing Countries (CoCoon), a collaboration between institutions in the Netherlands, Bolivia and Ecuador (based at the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS), The Hague, Erasmus University Rotterdam) until December 2013. She currently is a lecturer at UMSA-University in La Paz and member of the research group “International Political Ecology” at the University of Vienna.
Her major published monographs include: ‘Mujeres cuidadoras de las minas en el Sumaj Orcko. Estudio de sus condiciones de vida. Potosí/ Bolivia’ (together with Alicia Allgäuer and Samuel Rosales, Cimagraf, Potosí 2005), ‘Die Macht des Landes’ (LIT-Verlag, Wien, 2009), ‘El poder de la tierra’ (PLURAL, La Paz 2008), ‘Der plurinationale Staat. Politik, Ökonomie und die Rolle der natürlichen Ressourcen in Bolivien.‘ (Westfälisches Dampfboot, Münster, 2009 forthcoming), ‘Recursos naturales y finanzas públicas. La base material del Estado plurinacional en Bolivia.’ (Oxfam/PLURAL/Abya Yala, La Paz/ Quito, 2013 forthcoming). She has published several compilations, which include: ‘Plurinationale Demokratie in Bolivien. Gesellschaftliche und staatliche Tansformation.’ (with Ulrich Brand and Almut Schilling-Vacaflor, Westfälisches Dampfboot, Münster, 2013), ‘Foro: Derechos indígenas y recursos naturales: Viejos y nuevos conflictos eco-territoriales’ (, 2013) as well as articles in German, Spanish and English, her most recent published article in English is: ‘Indigenous Struggles for a Plurinational State: An Analysis of Indigenous Rights and Competences in Bolivia’ (Journal of Latin American Geography, Volume 11, Number 2 2012, 167-193, see”