Jacqueline Kinghan is a Senior Lecturer in Social Change Legal Education at University of Glasgow School of Law. She has research expertise in access to justice, legal education and social movements. Jacqueline is a qualified barrister (2007 call) with a background broadly in social welfare, equality and human rights law. Her teaching and research explores the legal professional identity and values of social justice lawyers working across these areas.
Jacqueline works closely with charities, law centres and NGOs across the UK in considering how the use of legal tools might alleviate disadvantage and create social change. Her first monograph, Lawyers, Networks and Progressive Social Change, was published by Hart in 2021. Together with Dr Catrina Denvir, Dr Daniel Newman and Dr Jess Mant she designed and conducted the largest ever workforce survey of legal aid lawyers in England and Wales. The full findings will be published in an open access book entitled Legal Aid and the Future of Access to Justice (Hart, 2023). Together with Professor Lisa Vanhala, Jacqueline has also published case studies and research reports on the use of strategic litigation by civil society organisations in the UK.