Full Professor (Serra Hunter fellow) at the University of Vic-Central University of Catalonia (UVic-UCC). Coordinator of the Research Group Methodology, Methods, Models and Outcomes of Health and Social Sciences (M3O) and the Health Care Area of IRIS-CC (Institute for Research and Innovation in Life Sciences and Health in Central Catalonia). Research Advisor of the Catalan Board of Physiotherapists. Visiting Professor at the Lithuanian Sports University and the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil). Doctor and master’s in public health. Physiotherapist. He has participated in 26 research projects (19 with national or international funding). Her research areas include: Physiotherapy/Rehabilitation, Gerontology/Geriatrics, Epidemiology/Public Health. His 80 publications have received more than 1,400 citations as of March 2023; H-index of 23 (https://scholar.google.es/citations?user=oqdKJe0AAAAJ&hl=ca).