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Postdoctoral Associate, University of Florida

I am currently a Postdoctoral Associate at the University of Florida, where I am working in conjunction with a National Science Foundation-funded project entitled, “Artificial Intelligence and Predictive Policing: An Ethical Analysis.” My work on this topic, which is supported by the University of Florida Consortium on Trust in Media and Technology, centers on the role of trust in algorithmic policing.

From 2018–2020, I was a Visiting Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the United States Military Academy at West Point.

I received my PhD from the University of Toronto in March 2019. My dissertation (under the supervision of Tom Hurka, with Arthur Ripstein and Julia Nefsky) focused on the role of national partiality in the ethics of war. Prior to this, I earned my B.A. (honors) in philosophy from the University of Missouri, followed by a year of teaching English to elementary school kids in Montpellier, France with the TAPIF program.

My current research is in normative and applied ethics. In particular, I am currently working on projects in AI ethics (esp. algorithmic policing and related questions), bioethics (the goals of medicine, autonomy), special relationships/partiality (its structure and scope, the role of trust), the ethics of war (necessity and how national partiality alters just war principles), and the philosophy of death (grief and the disvalue of loss), as well as projects intersecting these areas. I also have interests in other areas of applied ethics, such as business ethics (esp. consumer/labor ethics), political philosophy, and aesthetics.

In addition to my academic work, I am also an ethics consultant with Compass Ethics.