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Lecturer in Architectural Science, University of Sheffield

I completed a BSc in Psychology in 2003 before working for 8 years in Local Authority policy and research roles. I returned to academia in 2011 to join the E-Futures Doctoral Training Centre at the University of Sheffield and complete a PhD in lighting and visual psychology, which I was awarded in February 2016. I worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the Lighting Research Group at Sheffield University for three years. I then worked as a Research Fellow at the Institue for Transport Studies, studying interactions between automated vehicles and pedestrians. I have now returned to the University of Sheffield as a Lecturer in Architectural Science, doing research about lighting, the built environment and behaviour.


  • 2018–present
    Research Fellow in Autonomous Vehicles, University of Leeds
  • 2015–2018
    Postdoctoral researcher in Lighting, University of Sheffield


  • 2016 
    University of Sheffield, PhD in Lighting / Psychology