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Professor of International Business, Brandeis University

John W. Ballantine, Jr. is a specialist in energy/climate change, corporate finance, and political economy. He has taught finance, economics, and banking courses at Babson College and been a research associate at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University. He was the Chief Financial Officer of a small start-up software company that raised over $1 million. Ballantine was also a senior consultant with the Financial Industries Division at Arthur D. Little, Inc., and a banker with Chase Manhattan Bank. He has published a number of articles about labor economics, the banking industry, financial crises, small business finance, politics/energy (Ukraine, Russia, Saudi Arabia, and Iran). He was Director of the Master of Science in Finance (MSF) program for fifteen years at Brandeis International Business where he is focused on maintaining an energy finance / sustainability program at the school.


  • –present
    Professor of International Business, Brandeis University