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Kerry Hempenstall

Senior Industry Fellow, School of Education, RMIT University

Dr. Kerry Hempenstall was an educational psychology lecturer within the Discipline of Psychology, RMIT University from 1992 until 2009. Prior to that he spent more than twenty years with the Victorian Education Department as a secondary teacher and educational psychologist.

In addition to undergraduate and post-graduate lecturing, he managed the Educational Psychology division of the RMIT Psychology Clinic, and provided clinical training for masters and doctoral students in the assessment and remediation of children’s and adults’ educational problems. He gained his PhD for a thesis on the role of phonemic awareness in reading development.

In 2004, he received the US Association for Direct Instruction Excellence in Education Award for Research, and worked in several US schools – assisting them to employ evidence-based practices in their teaching. He also wrote the first chapter in the 2004 publication Introduction to Direct Instruction.

In 2006, he received the Mona Tobias Award from Learning Difficulties Australia for his services to assisting students with difficulties and disabilities.

He is now largely retired, providing occasional lectures, workshops, conference presentations, and journal articles.

Kerry has a web presence, and a number of his articles and other useful links can be accessed at


  • 1992–2008
    Lecturer in psychology, RMIT University
  • 1970–1991
    teacher, educational psychologist, Victorian Education Department


  • 1997 
    RMIT U, PhD
  • 1978 
    Monash U, Dip Ed Psych
  • 1974 
    Melb U, Dip Soc Studies
  • 1969 
    Melb U, Dip Ed
  • 1968 
    Melb U, BSc