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Kristina Castaneto

Master's Student, Psychology, Simon Fraser University

Hello! My name is Kristina, and I am pursuing a Master's degree in Pyschology at Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, Canada. In June 2022, I earned my BA Honours in Applied Psychology at Douglas College, with specializations in Pre-counselling, and Disability in Applied Behaviour Analysis. My research interests generally include subjective happiness, well-being, morality and social connections. My honours thesis focused on the proposal and preliminary scale development of a construct coined as "nuanced perceptions of others' valence" — the readiness to percieve other people as being a mix of good and bad. Currently, under the supervision of Dr. Lara Aknin, my MA research focuses on the act and underlying motives of reaching out to old friends whom people have lost touch with.


  • –present
    Masters Student, Psychology, Simon Fraser University


  • 2022 
    Douglas College, Bachelor of Arts in Applied Psychology (Honours)


  • 2023
    Martin Buber: guide for a psychology of suffering, Frontiers in Psychology

Grants and Contracts

  • 2023
    Canada Graduate Scholarships — Master’s program
    Masters Student
    Funding Source:
    Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada