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Senior instructor, Case Western Reserve University

Dr. Vernon has studied the connection between periodontal disease and cardiovascular disease in HIV+ adults. His current research interest is in coaching prevention-focused oral hygiene behavior change to reduce the risk for dental caries and periodontal disease. He is now developing a directly observed measure of oral hygiene skills. He is a Masters-level swimmer, a writer and artist (see tabs below). Prior to entering dentistry, Dr. Vernon was a Coordinator for clinical drug studies in schizophrenia research at the Brecksville VAMC, taught bright learning disabled students at the Ratner School, and coached high school swimming.

Dr. Vernon performs clinical epidemiological research and investigates the link between oral and systemic health. Specifically, he examines the link between periodontal (gum) disease and cardiovascular disease in HIV-infected adults. In addition, Dr. Vernon is interested in prevention of oral disease (dental caries and periodontal disease) by coaching prevention-focused, tailored oral hygiene behavior changes.


  • –present
    Professor of Dentistry, Case Western Reserve University