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Lecturer in Environmental Management, The University of Queensland

Reconciling biodiversity conservation with development pressures is one of the world’s greatest sustainability challenges. This is particularly true given the myriad ways that human wellbeing directly depends on well-functioning ecosystems. My research seeks to understand where, when and how to manage and conserve landscapes, so as to beneift both nature and people. I use land use change models, coupled with remote sensing and GIS datasets, to predict how future development projects (e.g. mines, hydropower dams, transportation infrastructure) will impact biodiversity and ecosystem services. This information allows us to compare the costs and benefits of alternative management interventions and, ultimately, provides the knowledge needed to make more informed decisions. My research benefits from collaborating across disciplines (ecology, economics, engineering) and working alongside government and non-government organizations. I am currently conducting projects in Australia, Brazil and the USA.


  • 2017–present
    Lecturer, The University of Queensland
  • 2015–2017
    Postdoctoral research associate, The University of Vermont


  • 2014 
    The University of Queensland, PhD in Global Environmental Change
  • 2008 
    The University of Queensland, Bachelor of Environmental Science (Ecology - Hons)