Luin Goldring is a Professor of Sociology at York University. Her research interests include non-citizenship, citizenship and belonging; social inequality; immigrants and precarious work; and critical and transnational migration studies. Goldring's current research examines the multi-level production and negotiations of precarious legal status, and the long-term implications of precarious legal status for social inequality. She is involved in collaborative research on the relationship between precarious immigration trajectories and precarious work, and the experiences of illegalized migrants during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Recent co-authored articles include “From illegalised migrant toward permanent resident: assembling precarious legal status trajectories and differential inclusion in Canada” (Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies) and “Decentering methodological nationalism to survey precarious legal status trajectories” (International Journal of Social Research Methodology). She is the co-editor, with Patricia Landolt, of Producing and Negotiating Non-Citizen Precarious Legal Status in Canada (University of Toronto Press).