I joined the Department of Environmental & Geographical Science at the University of Cape Town in 2001. My background as a human geographer dates back to my years at the University of the North (Turfloop), where (Bra) Sipho Talane cultivated my interest in South Africa's socio-political and development challenges and the world economy. I have since refined my main research and teaching interests within the subfields of political geography and political ecology.
Current Teaching: I convene the first year course on Geography, Development, and Environment (EGS1003S); teach a module on Society and Nature at third year level (EGS3022S); and convene and teach the honours course on Capital, Politics and Nature (EGS4016S).
My research interests are in four different but related themes of borders, regions, land reform and transfrontier conservation. I use these themes to engage with broader debates on the conceptions and institutionalization of borders and their (im)materiality, territorial politics, regionalisms, and the society-nature relations.