Professor of agricultural policy, agroecology and agricultural economics.
Agricultural engineer specializing in agricultural economics from the National School of Agriculture, he completed a doctorate in agricultural economics at the Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany. It has created several research centers including the Agriculture-Industry Research Program, the Center for Economic, Social and Technological Research on Agroindustry and World Agriculture (CIESTAAM), the Interdisciplinary Research Center for Comprehensive Rural Development (CIIDRI), and the doctorate in economic-agroindustrial problems, all of them at the Chapingo Autonomous University (UACh). He is founder of the Chapingo Organic Tianguis and the Mexican Network of Organic Tianguis and Markets. He is a researcher and coordinator of CIIDRI. He has more than 70 books as author and co-author, including:Citricultura orgánica con enfoque agroecológico: un modelo exitoso en el Norte de Veracruz (CEDRSSA, 2022), Guía agroecológica para la producción de naranja orgánica (UACh, 2021 y 2017), TLC y agricultura. funciona el experimento? (UACh, 1996).