I'm interested in embodied experiences of health, fitness and the increasing role of digital technologies and social media in shaping our understandings and experiences of health in everyday contexts. Currently, I am postdoctoral fellow in the Vitalities Lab at UNSW and I use social theory and innovative qualitative methodologies to explore the sensory and embodied relationships between humans, environments and digital technologies. Drawing on a background in dance and Pilates, I am particularly interested in how the moving body is implicated in our knowledge production practices.
My research appears in journals spanning topics from media studies, health and leisure including Media International Austria, BioSocieties, Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health. I am the co-editor of the book, Evolving Feminine Ballet Body (2019, University of Alberta Press ) and co-author of the forthcoming book Feminist New Materialisms, Sport and Fitness: A Lively Entanglement (Thorpe, Brice & Clark, Palgrave MacMillan). I hold an undergraduate degree in Family and Social Relations from the University of Guelph, Canada and an MA and PhD in Health and Physical Education and Recreation from the University of Alberta.