Mariya Stoilova is a post-doctoral research officer at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and lecturer in Sociology at Birkbeck, University of London. With a strong focus on multi-method analyses, psychosocial research approaches, and policy and practice development, Mariya’s research covers the areas of digital technologies, well-being and family support; social change and transformations of intimate life; and citizenship and social inequalities. Some of the research projects she has been recently involved in include Global Kids Online (2015–16, UNICEF); an evaluation of the Separated Parenting Information Programme (SPIP Plus) (2013–14, CAFCASS); Living Apart Together: a Multi-Method Analysis (2011–13, ESRC), Gendered Citizenship in Multicultural Europe (FEMCIT) (2007–11, EU) and Gender and Generation: Women’s Experiences of the Transition from Socialism in Bulgaria (2004–08, ORSAS and Open Society). Mariya’s most recent publications comprise of a number of solo and co-authored articles, books and chapters, including Reproducing citizens: Family, state and civil society (forthcoming, 2016, Routledge), ‘Living apart: Relationships in contemporary Europe’ (Sociology, 2015, vol. 48/6), ‘Sex, love, and security’ (Sociology, March 2015), ‘Mind the gap: Gender inequality in post-Socialist Bulgaria’ (edited by Sabrina Ramet and Christine Hassenstab, 2015, Gender (in)equality in post-Socialist Southeastern Europe), and ‘Close encounters: Researching intimate lives in Europe’ (International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 2013, vol. 16/6).