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Emeritus professor, University of Newcastle

Mark is emeritus professor at the University of Newcastle and honorary professor at RMIT. He held the Foundation Chair in Employment Studies at the University of Newcastle from 1997 until 2021. Before then, he held positions at the Universities of NSW, Wollongong and Sydney. He has taught Australian and comparative industrial relations, human resource management and research methods over many years. He has since 2005 been author (with Peter Waring, Rae Cooper and Johanna Macneil) of Australia's leading university textbook in the field, Employment Relations: Theory and Practice (McGraw-Hill). He has performed in a range of leadership roles at the University of Newcastle, from head of the management and business schools to various assistant deanships.

His current research interests include the role of tribunals in promoting workplace cooperation and performance; and the structures and processes of labour regulation, including labour law, collective bargaining and awards. Over his career, he has also researched topics like: industrial relations and human resource management in selected industries (including health, road transport, airlines, electricity generation, aluminium smelting, hospitality); HRM in multinational corporations; national and industry differences in labour regulation; the complexity of labour regulation; and industrial relations public policy.


  • 2021–present
    Emeritus professor, University of Newcastle