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HDR, Professeur Associé, ICD Business School

Docteur Sciences de Gestion, HDR
Chercheur au CNAM-DICEN
Professeur Associé à l'ICD Business School
12, Rue Alexandre Parodi
75010 PARIS
Tel: (+33) 141-167-552

Michel DALMAS :
Most of his research concentrates on organizational behaviors such as motivation, commitment, and values.
But Michel is also working on new organization strategies in relation with management and performance.
Michel has more than 10 years of experience in the business and social world.
He worked in the marketing department of TOTAL as sales manager.
He was also Director of a national association for persons with disabilities.

His current research areas at EMLV as researcher :
- Y Generation : values and integration of juniors in companies
- Work motivation, commitment and new forms of organizations
- Prize for the best academic case in management audit in 2015 (C.C.M.P)


  • –present
    Professeur associé en sciences de gestion, EMLV, Pôle Universitaire Léonard de Vinci
  • Paris La Défense, France
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