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Senior Fellow, The Fletcher School, Tufts University

Mihaela Papa, PhD is a Senior Fellow at the Fletcher School at Tufts University, where she has served as a co-investigator on the Rising Power Alliances research project and faculty in sustainable development and global governance. She specializes in negotiation strategy and coalition building, especially in the context of BRICS and transition to sustainability. She started her BRICS research as postdoctoral fellow at Harvard Law School and a visiting scholar at Fudan University's Center for BRICS Studies and continued it with her research team at Fletcher. Her recent publications analyze BRICS convergence & BRICS-US relations (EJIR, 2023), whether BRICS can de-dollarize the global financial system (CUP 2022 and ISA-West award), and BRICS resilience considering China-India conflict (Global Policy 2021). She published on environmental foreign policy, climate diplomacy, and global governance in Global Environmental Politics, Global Environmental Change, Climate Policy, and other journals.

Mihaela is also an active practitioner with extensive experience advising institutions on global strategies and developing international collaborations and programs. In this capacity, she has worked at the Carnegie Council, MIT and the Croatian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as consulted for the U.S. government, the European Commission, and the International Institute for Sustainable Development. Originally a trade economist with a BA from Croatia, she completed her MA in Law and Diplomacy and PhD in International Relations at The Fletcher School at Tufts University.

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BRICS/Rising Power Alliances project and publications:


  • 2023–present
    Senior fellow, The Fletcher School, Tufts University