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Ph.D. Candidate, Sociology, Memorial University of Newfoundland

I am a Ph.D. candidate in Sociology at Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s, NL Canada. My research interests include sociology of gender, men & masculinities, international migration, caste, and deviance. In my doctoral research, I explore the intersections of caste and the body within a spatio-temporal context as it relates to hegemonic masculinity. I map the intersection of historical power and privilege associated with gender and caste and explore how these are pivotal to the materiality of contemporary caste bodies - particularly male bodies. That is, I attempt to characterize the synthesis between the macro-structural world and individual high-caste Punjabi men’s comportment and bodily expressions within the context of a caste-society with a larger focus on the construction and performativity of hegemonic masculinities in different geographical spaces (Canada and India).


  • –present
    Doctoral Candidate, Memorial University of Newfoundland

Grants and Contracts

  • 2019
    Scotiabank Bursary for International Study
    Funding Source:

Professional Memberships

  • International Sociological Association
  • Society for the Study of Social Problems
  • Canadian Sociological Association
  • Canadian Anthropology Society