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Nicholas Newland

Nicholas has a Masters in Environmental Studies and has held several senior positions including director national parks and wildlife and was a member of associated statutory authorities dealing with various aspects of natural resources management. He was Program Coordinator of the Australia New Zealand Rabbit Calicivirus Disease Program, has produced the state’s first marine and estuarine strategy. He was national coordinator of the second phase of Australia’s National Dryland Salinity Program prior to becoming executive director of the Environment Protection Agency. He has had direct involvement with ministerial councils for conservation, natural resources and environment protection. He was chief coordinator of the state’s Urban Stormwater Initiative, a collaborative project of state and local governments grappling with flood mitigation and re-use opportunities for stormwater in urban communities. He recently completed a two year contract as project director for the Brown Hill Keswick Creek Stormwater Project, a joint venture of five urban councils. He is a member of the Fundraising and Marketing Committee of the Nature Foundation of SA, past President of the Royal Geographical Society of SA, past and current president of the Foundation for a Rabbit Free Australia, a member of a national Rabbit Management Advisory Group and a member of the Nature Conservation Society of SA. He is also chairman of the Board of Canopy, a not-for-profit company providing advice and a brokering service to emitters of CO2 as a mechanism to manage global warming. Nicholas has been Board member of the Royal Zoological Society of SA for the last five years and offers consultancy services in the environment and natural resources disciplines.


  • –present
    Program Coordinator, Australia New Zealand Rabbit Calicivirus Disease Program
  • –present
    National Coordinator, Australia’s National Dryland Salinity Program
  • 2011–present
    President, Fund for Rabbit-Free Australia
  • 1997–2001
    President, Fund for Rabbit-Free Australia


  • 1991 
    University of Adelaide, Master of Environmental Studies
  • 1977 
    Hawkesbury CAE , Graduate Diploma Extension
  • 1967 
    Roseworthy, Diploma of Agriculture


Member of Order of Australia (AM) 2010