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Associate Professor, School of Geosciences, University of Sydney

Dr Patrice Rey has built an International career through his involvement with no less than 12 universities and research institutions across three continents.

Patrice has contributed innovative ideas on a large range of subjects including:

• The origin of plate tectonics on Earth (Rey et al., 2014 Nature),
• The rifting and separation of New Zealand and Australia (Rey and Mueller, 2010 Nature Geoscience)

He has also contributed novel ideas on the geology of the Archean.

Patrice has solved a 150 year old problem by proposing the first explanation for the formation of precious opal, Australia’s national gemstone (Rey, 2013 Australian Journal of Earth Sciences). This paper became the most downloaded of the journal, and he was awarded the 2013 Geology Society of Australia A.B. Edwards Medal from its Economic Geology branch.


  • –present
    Associate Professor , School of Geosciences, University of Sydney