Pia Lamberty is a psychologist and CEO of the German Think Tank CeMAS. She has spent years researching why people believe in conspiracy narratives and the consequences of these worldviews. Her research has taken her to universities in Cologne, Mainz and Beer Sheva (Israel).
Her non-fiction book Fake Facts - Wie Verschwörungstheorien unser Denken bestimmen (“Fake Facts - How Conspiracy Theories Influence Our Thinking”), published with Katharina Nocun in May 2020, was a DER SPIEGEL bestseller. This was followed in May 2021 by True Facts - Was gegen Verschwörungserzählungen wirklich hilft (“True Facts - What Really Helps to Counter Conspiracy Narratives”). In Autumn 2022, Lamberty and Nocun published their third book together: Gefährlicher Glaube - Die radikale Gedankenwelt der Esoterik (“Dangerous Beliefs - The Radical World of Esoteric Thought”).