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Richard Oloruntoba

Associate Professor of Supply Chain Management, Curtin University

Richard Oloruntoba is Associate Professor of Supply Chain Management at Curtin Business School. He is a Senior Associate Editor for the International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management. Richard worked in a range of freight forwarding, logistics, transport, and sales management roles for 13 years in Nigeria, and the United Kingdom. He began an academic career in 2002 at the Institute of Marine Studies (later Centre for International Shipping & International Logistics), University of Plymouth, UK. He was appointed Lecturer in Logistics at the School of International Business, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane until 2008. Richard lectured Logistics, Operations, and Supply Chain Management at the Newcastle Business School, University of Newcastle, Australia between Jan 2009 and Aug 2020. He has undertaken and published research in Supply Chain Management, Health and Humanitarian Logistics, and Disaster Response Supply Chains. He has published over 60 refereed articles on supply chain management issues, and his research programme has attracted over $265,000 in competitive Australian and international funding. He has supervised 9 PhDs to completion and is a member of the editorial advisory boards of Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics, Journal of Business Logistics, Journal of Public Procurement and Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management.

Richard has won several Australian and international prizes and awards for his research such as the DB Schenker Award for Outstanding Research in Logistics 2014 and several best paper awards. Richard is a Global Research Fellow in the Center for Human Rights and Humanitarian Studies at Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island. USA.


  • –present
    Associate Professor of Supply Chain Management & Supply Chain Management Lead, Curtin University


  • 2013 
    Curtin University Perth WA, PhD Supply Chain Management