Dr. Ruchi Sinha is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Management. Ruchi has a Master’s Degree and a Ph.D. in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from Michigan State University, USA. Before joining UniSA, Ruchi was a tenure-track Assistant Professor of Organizational Behaviour at the Indian School of Business (Hyderabad). She is an expert facilitator who specializes in teaching negotiation skills and leadership development.
Ruchi’s work has been published in top-tier journals and has been presented at several top conferences in the field. Her current research interests revolve around understanding team dynamics and team effectiveness as well as negotiation success in the context of work. In the domain of team research, Ruchi examines how the social-network of interpersonal relationships, as well as the personality of members within a team, influences critical work outcomes such as the level of voice, conflicts, information sharing, and power/status struggles. In some of her published works, Ruchi has proposed improved measurement approaches for studying employee behaviour and teamwork. She has demonstrated that nuanced and theoretically aligned measurement can enhance the predictability of team outcomes and can help organisations identify practical levers to manage both employee and team performance. In the domain of negotiation research, Ruchi focuses on the role of power and emotions in predicting negotiation effectiveness. Some of her recent work discusses the role of gender in negotiation outcomes and how the leadership development of women leaders needs to focus on the specific development of negotiation skills.
Ruchi is an active member of the Academy of Management, Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Australian Human Resources Institute, and the International Academy of Conflict Management. She is on the Editorial Reviewer Board for two top-tier FT50 A* journals: a) Journal of Applied Psychology and b) Journal of Organizational Behavior. Ruchi has been a recipient of a Society for Human Resource Management Foundation Grant, UniSA Research Themes Investment Scheme funding as well as funding from South Australia State Government Agencies. She recently received a large 3-year grant from the Australian Department of Defence- Defense Science and Technology Group to study team dynamics and performance.
Senior Lecturer, University of South Australia
Assistant Professor, Indian School of Business
Michigan State University, PhD
Michigan State University, Masters in Organizational Psychology
Women-focused negotiation training: A gendered solution to a gendered problem, Research handbook on gender and negotiation
Supporting Robust, Rigorous, and Reliable Reviewing as the Cornerstone of Our Profession: Introducing a Competency Framework for Peer Review, Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspective on Science and Practice
3 of the Most Common Challenges Women Face in Negotiations, Harvard Business Review
The devil is in the level’: understanding inequality in Australia’s Film, TV and Radio industries, Media International Australia
Centralization of Member Voice in Teams: Its Effects on Expertise Utilization and Team Performance, Journal of Applied Psychology
A Qualitative Exploration of Reactions to Work-Life Conflict Events, Research in Careers series
Skewed Task Conflicts in Teams: What Happens When A Few Members See More Conflict than the Rest?, Journal of Applied Psychology
Attitudinal Predictors of Trust and Reliance on Human vs. Automated Advisors, International Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics
Work-life Interference: Expanding our Conceptualization and Improving our Measurement, Journal of Vocational Behavior
Criterion-focused approach to reducing adverse impact in college admissions, Applied Measurement in Education
Validation Support for Selection Procedures, APA Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Prediction of Four-Year College Student Performance using Cognitive and Noncognitive Predictors and the Impact on Demographic Status of Admitted Students, Journal of Applied Psychology
Advances in the research and practice of training evaluation, Handbook of Personnel Psychology
Grants and Contracts
Identifying neurobiological markers of high mental performance and optimal decision making in individuals and teams
Funding Source:
Defense Science and Technology Group
School Climate and School Improvement
Chief Investogator
Funding Source:
South Australia Department of Education
Socially Inclusive Employment Practices and Australia’s Cultural and Creative Industries
Funding Source:
UniSA Research Themes Investment Scheme
Work-Life Interference: Expanding Our Conceptualization and Improving Our Measurement
Funding Source:
Society for Human Resource Management Foundation
Professional Memberships
Academy of Management
International Academy of Conflict Management
Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Consulting Editor - Journal of Applied Psychology
Editorial Reviewer Board - Journal of Organizational Behavior