At CSIRO, Dr Sabrina Chakori’s research, called Navigating the Sustainability Transitions and Innovation Dynamics, investigates the complex social-economic-ecological interaction that can influence the short and long-term success of a socially just and ecologically sustainable transition in Australia.
Her academic qualifications from the University of Geneva (BSs) and the University of Queensland (MSc, PhD) are in the fields of biology, ecology, environmental management, systems approaches, ecological economics and political economy. Her interdisciplinary research experience encompasses circular economy, sharing economy, food systems, social entrepreneurship, degrowth and beyond-GDP frameworks.
Founder of the Brisbane Tool Library, winner of the 2020 Create Change: 7 News Young Achiever Award (QLD) and recipient of the Emerging Female Leader bursary (National Council of Women of Queensland, 2020), Sabrina is a multi-award social entrepreneur, researcher and educator.