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Lecturer in Atmospheric Science, University of St Andrews

I am a Lecturer in Atmospheric Science in the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of St Andrews. I am also Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Royal Meteorological Society journal Weather.

My research investigates large-scale weather and climate predictability, variability and change in the extratropics, with a focus on the the stratospheric polar vortex. I am particularly interested in understanding and applying weather regimes across a variety of timescales.


  • 2024–present
    Lecturer in Atmospheric Science, University of St Andrews
  • 2021–2024
    Postdoctoral Research Scientist, Columbia University


  • 2021 
    University of Reading, PhD Atmospheric Science
  • 2018 
    University of Reading, Master of Meteorology (MMet), Meteorology and Climate