Dr Stephen Lake completed a double Honours degree in History and Theology at Flinders University in 1988, where he received a prize in Economic History and was a candidate for a university medal. He tutored there for two years. He was awarded a Cambridge Commonwealth Trust Australia scholarship to complete a PhD at Cambridge on early medieval monasticism; he spent a year at the University of Tübingen. In the academic year 1997-8 he was a Lecteur d’anglais at the Université de Paris IV-Sorbonne. He was awarded a post-doctoral research fellowship at the Universität Bamberg, Graduiertenkolleg 311, Anthropologische Grundlagen und Entwicklungen im Christentum und Islam, for a project on medieval doctrines of the soul as the seat of ethical action in ancient Greek, medieval Islamic and Scholastic philosophy. In 2001 he took another research position at the Universität Konstanz, Sonderforschungsbereich 485, Norm und Symbol, where he completed a project on the early and early medieval Christian Church’s care of the sick and the Latin West’s failure to appropriate Greek medicine. In Constance, he also taught courses on medieval history and philosophy, Roman history and literature, and an Introduction to Islam. He has extensive experience as a freelance translator of academic texts from French & German into English (also Latin, Greek, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan). He returned to Australia in 2009; after an 18-month appointment as a research associate at ACU Brisbane, he became unemployed, and has remained so. In 2018, he held a sessional contract at UNSW to teach on the Third Reich, and is currently enrolled in a second PhD at the University of Sydney with a project on 'The Contingency of Perception: The Responses of the Frankfurt School and Contemporaries to Fascism, ca. 1920-ca. 1950'. He lectures regularly for his local U3A group in the Southern Highlands, NSW.