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Professor of Conservation Ecology, Durham University

Most of my recent research is tied to the role of climate and habitat in determining species distributions with as particular focus on conservation biology. Much of my research examines the effects of environmental change, particularly global climate change, on ecosystems and the mechanisms by which environmental change acts upon species. I also examine how environmental change impacts upon factors such as biodiversity and causes range shifts in both native and invasive species. Most of my research in this area involves ecological modelling using spatially explicit models and GIS, often incorporating remote-sensed data, though I also undertake experimental manipulations in the field.

My research has involved collaboration with many research institutions, including NERC Centres for Ecology and Hydrology at Monks Wood, Banchory and Dorset, Universities of York, Leeds, Birmingham, Cambridge and Copenhagen and non-academic bodies such as English Nature, Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, BirdLife International, Scottish Natural Heritage, British Trust for Ornithology, Environment Agency & Butterfly Conservation.


  • –present
    Professor of Conservation Ecology, Durham University