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Steven P. Millies

Professor of Public Theology and Director of The Bernardin Center, Catholic Theological Union

Steve Millies’s scholarship explores the Catholic church’s relationship to politics in a perspective that embraces history, theology, law, ethics, sociology, philosophy, and political theory. As Pope Francis has called for a “politics which is farsighted and capable of a new, integral, and interdisciplinary approach,” Millies’s work resists seeing politics only as a conflict over individual interests. Instead, in Pope Francis’s words, politics expresses our “conviction that we need one another, that we have a shared responsibility for each other and the world.”

Millies studied political theory at The Catholic University of America, completing his degree with a study of religion in British statesman Edmund Burke’s political ideas. Before coming to CTU, he was associate professor of political science at the University of South Carolina Aiken where he held the Strom Thurmond Endowed Chair in Political Science.

Millies is a member of several learned societies, including the Association for Political Theory, the Catholic Theological Society of America, and the Society of Christian Ethics. As well, he participates in the International Thomas Merton Society, the Eric Voegelin Society, and he is the secretary for the Edmund Burke Society of America. His book, Joseph Bernardin: Seeking Common Ground (Liturgical Press, 2016), won first place in the biography category for the Catholic Press Association’s 2017 Book Awards, and he has contributed to several periodicals and journals that include America, Commonweal, the National Catholic Reporter, and U.S. Catholic. During the fall 2020 semester, he is the Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, SJ Visiting Fellow in Catholic Studies at Loyola University Chicago’s Joan and Bill Hank Center for the Catholic Intellectual Heritage.


  • 2017–present
    Director of The Bernardin Center, Catholic Theological Union
  • 2018–present
    Professor of Public Theology, Catholic Theological Union
  • 2020–2020
    Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, SJ Visiting Fellow in Catholic Studies, Loyola University Chicago
  • 2003–2017
    Associate Professor of Political Science and Strom Thurmond Chair in Political Science, University of South Carolina Aiken


  • 2003 
    The Catholic University of America, Doctor of Philosophy (political theory and American government)
  • 1997 
    The Catholic University of America, Master of Arts (political theory and American government)
  • 1994 
    Loyola University Chicago, Bachelor of Arts (American history)


  • 2018
    Good Intentions: A History of Catholic Voters' Road from Roe to Trump, Liturgical Press Academic
  • 2016
    Joseph Bernardin: Seeking Common Ground, Liturgical Press

Professional Memberships

  • American Political Science Association
  • Association for Political Theory
  • Catholic Theological Society of America
  • Edmund Burke Society of America
  • Eric Voegelin Society