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Tania Das Gupta

Professor, School of Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies, York University, Canada

Tania Das Gupta is Professor in the School of Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies, York University. Her publications, teaching and research interests are in the following areas: South Asian diaspora and transnationalism, race and racism, anti-racism, immigration and refugee issues, state policies, women, work and families, community activism, racism in the labour movement. She has published widely in these areas, including Twice Migrated, Twice Displaced: Indian and Pakistani Transnational Households in Canada (2021), Real Nurses and Others (2009): Racism in Nursing. (2009); Racism and Paid Work (1995) and; Co-editor of Race and Racialization: Essential Readings (with Carl James, Chris Andersen, Grace-Edward Galabuzi, Roger Maaka). She has consulted with human rights lawyers and nurses’ groups on numerous cases of racial harassment. Prior to entering academia, her many years of community work with immigrant women and anti-racism resulted in the publication Learning From Our History: Community Development by Immigrant Women in Ontario, 1958-86 (1986). She is the recipient of a number of awards for community service.


  • –present
    Professor, York University, Canada


  • 1987 
    University of Toronto, Ontario Institute of Studies in Education