I completed my undergraduate degree at Harvard University in 2002, my clinical medical degree (MD) at Yale School of Medicine in 2009, and my PhD in anthropology at Durham University, UK in January 2019. My PhD research and subsequent book focussed on women's experiences of endometriosis, a chronic gynecological disease, and the reasons for long delays in diagnosis and experiences of endometriosis in the clinic.
I currently teach in public health with a focus on health protection, applied epidemiology, and participatory research methodologies, among other topics.
I have broad research interests within public health including how health technologies in hospitals impact on therapeutic practices. My main research focus lies in the fluidity of diagnostic categories and how this ultimately affects therapeutic practices and access to care by disadvantaged communities. I am particularly interested in ontologies of chronic diseases primarily in women and minority populations, with an emphasis on media and online visual representations of menstruation, childlessness, chronic illness, and pain.