Research within my lab (Natural Products Research Laboratory) is focused on the discovery of small molecules from natural sources with pharmaceutical and cosmeceutical applications. The natural sources investigated include plants and products from the beehive such as honey/ propolis originating from various geographical locations worldwide. My interests are centered on the discovery of natural molecules with antitubercular, anti-inflammatory, antibiofilm, and antivirulence activity.
I am a member of the Scientific Committee of the Francophone Apitherapy Association and of the European Science Foundation College of Expert Reviewers. I am a Scientific Advisor for the Natural Products and the Food Science & Nutrition programmes of the International Foundation for Science. I am a recipient of the Life Sciences Prize and the Parke-Davis Natural Products Chemistry Prize from the French Academy of Pharmacy.
I serve on the editorial board of Journal of Pharmaceutical Microbiology, Phytochemistry Letters, Scientific Reports, Journal of Alternative Medicine & Complementary Therapies Plants, Records in Agriculture & Food Chemistry, and Evidence-based Complementary & Alternative Medicine. I am the Associate Editor of Archives of Natural Biological Research. I am the lead Guest Editor for two special issues in Plants, one special issue in JoVE, and two research topics in Frontiers in Pharmacology. I have served as the Honorary Treasurer of the Phytochemical Society of Europe (2014-2019).