Wendy Wills is Professor of Food and Public Health and Director of the Centre for Research in Public Health and Community Care (CRIPACC), School of Health and Social Work. CRIPACC is world renowned for its inter- and multi-disciplinary research on older people's health and complex conditions; health, young people and family lives; food and public health; and patient experience and public involvement in research http://www.herts.ac.uk/research/centres-and-groups/cripacc
In terms of her own research Prof Wills works at the interface of social science and public health particularly in relation to food and eating practices, food safety, weight/obesity and health. She has directed several major research grants, including for the ESRC and Food Standards Agency. She was formerly a member of the FSA's Social Science Research Committee and convenor of the British Sociological Association's Food Study Group.
Prof Wills is Associate Dean Research for the School of Health and Social Work, a role shared with Professor Julia Williams.