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Articles on Memory

Displaying 81 - 100 of 349 articles

Doomscrolling can have a huge impact on our attention, memory and mood. Prostock-studio/Shutterstcok

Ukraine doomscrolling can harm your cognition as well as your mood – here’s what to do about it

What use are we in helping to solve difficult global challenges if we’re so depressed and cognitively depleted that we can’t think of the best actions to take?
Kids figure out who’s trustworthy as they learn about the world. Sandro Di Carlo Darsa/PhotoAlto Agency RF Collections via Getty Images

Trust comes when you admit what you don’t know – lessons from child development research

People often try to seem confident and certain in their message so it will be trusted and acted upon. But when information is in flux, research suggests you should be open about what you don’t know.
Media multitasking: constantly juggling media and non-media activities, often using multiple digital devices. GettyImages

Your phone and your brain - what we know so far

Analysis of 46 studies indicates that there’s still a lot of uncertainty about the long-term impacts of digital device use on cognition.
How teachers recall their childhoods carries important clues about how likely they are to name and challenge inequities in schools today. (Shutterstock)

How teachers remember their own childhoods affects how they challenge school inequities

When teachers use memories to examine how schools unequally affect children’s life choices and chances on the basis of social identity, they’re able to imagine more equitable education.

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