What use are we in helping to solve difficult global challenges if we’re so depressed and cognitively depleted that we can’t think of the best actions to take?
Forgetfulness is often regarded as a sign of old age. But what exactly is going on in the brain that makes it more difficult for older people to remember things?
People often try to seem confident and certain in their message so it will be trusted and acted upon. But when information is in flux, research suggests you should be open about what you don’t know.
Many people with epilepsy are unable to remember what happened immediately before they have a seizure. This may be because seizures and memory use the same pathways of the brain.
Each new technology raises concerns about how they will negatively affect our ability to think, retain and process information. But these technologies don’t detract from our cognitive abilities.
Memories are easier to recall if they happen in unusual contexts, and our sense of time depends on how much things change. And being in lockdown is not conducive to either of these things.
A playground is a great place for kids to exercise their bodies. But it’s also important to give kids opportunities to exercise their mind. Here’s how to do that.
When teachers use memories to examine how schools unequally affect children’s life choices and chances on the basis of social identity, they’re able to imagine more equitable education.