Mirrors, selfies and knowing other people are looking at you all cause people to think of themselves as objects. Video calls are all three in one and are likely increasing the harms of self-objectification.
If we learn how to disengage from communication circuits that lay the groundwork for fear and aggression, we have a better chance of managing conflict constructively.
Ample research demonstrates the harms Instagram causes teen girls, especially around body image. Meta is now facing the consequences of knowingly marketing a harmful service.
Virtual assistants and robots are frequently given female attributes. To curb the massive use of such gendering in AI, we need to better understand the deep roots of this phenomenon.
It can happen at work, on the street or at home – even by the people who love us. Everyday sexism might be hard to pin down, but it’s pervasive and creates an additional layer of stress for women.
Hefner’s iconic Playmates, a scholar argues, need to be understood within their historical context, when men and especially women were expected to uphold strict standards of sexual propriety.
To properly address the social harm of online privacy invasions, such as in the “CanadaCreep case,” Canada must devote federal attention to strengthening its minimal and unclear privacy laws.
Women experience negative effects from the objectification that’s common in our society. What happens if they try to seize the reins and elicit sexualized attention in their romantic relationships?
Our new research shows the culture of sexualisation not only affects how young girls see themselves, but also how they are treated and viewed by adults.