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Articles on Post-industrial

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Flint, Mich., has one of the highest crime rates in the country for a city of its size. One neighborhood has found a novel way to fight back. Carlos Osorio/AP Images

Want to fight crime? Plant some flowers with your neighbor

Crime is way down in one Flint, Michigan, neighborhood, where locals have teamed up to revamp neglected public spaces. Here, why ‘busy streets’ can prevent violence and save cities money.
Phoenix Lake, Dortmund’s coolest new quarter, was once an abanonded steel mill surrounded by polluted waterways and brownfields. Frank Vincentz/Wikimedia (CC BY-SA 3.0) (], via Wikimedia Commons

Redesigning the rust belt: an old German steel region gets a mindful modern makeover

A former industrial region in the heart of Germany is slowly reinventing itself for the 21st century, offering urban planning lessons for Detroit and beyond.
Pittsburgh, between its industrial past and a clean, green tech-driven future. Dllu

Pittsburgh: A city of two post-industrial tales

Pittsburgh’s post-industrial economic resurgence is promising, a historian of the region writes, but there’s a reason President Trump highlighted the area in his speech exiting the Paris climate deal.

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