Quantum information theory is the field behind quantum computing, but experts in this field are also applying their way of thinking to some big questions in quantum physics.
End-to-end encryption provides strong protection for keeping your communications private, but not every messaging app uses it, and even some of the ones that do don’t have it turned on by default.
Several companies have made quantum computers, but these early models have yet to demonstrate quantum advantage: the ability to outstrip ordinary supercomputers.
Quantum machine learning models could help us create AI systems that are almost impenetrable by hackers. But in the hands of hackers, the same technology could wreak havoc.
Countries around the world are racing to develop quantum technologies for computing, sensing and communication. Australia is trying not to get left behind.
Superconductors make highly efficient electronics, but the ultralow temperatures and ultrahigh pressures make them costly and difficult to use. Room-temperature superconductors promise to change that.
In the age of AI, people might wonder if there’s anything computers can’t do. The answer is yes. In fact, there are numerous problems that are beyond the reach of even the most powerful computers.