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Articles on Adam Smith

Displaying 1 - 20 of 27 articles

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Truth, lies and honey

Hives that travel by truck, bees paid for their pollination service, adulterated honey, economic theories based on an imaginary social organization…
There already exist some promising new antibiotic therapies, and more are in the pipeline. However, our economic model prevents researchers from moving them out onto the market. (Shutterstock)

Humanity under threat from antibiotic-resistant infections

The end of effective antibiotics will be frightening. Life expectancy will fall dramatically and people of all ages will die from illnesses that we are used to treating with $10 worth of pills.
Andrew Simms (New Weather Institute), Sally Svenlen (RE student), Larry Elliott (Guardian), Steve Keen (Debunking Economics) and Kate Raworth (Doughnut Economics) symbolically nail the “33 Theses” to the door of the London School of Economics in December 2017.

Debate: What is missing in the ‘33 Theses for an Economics Reformation’

Nailed to the door of the London School of Economics, the ‘33 Theses’ offer a long overdue challenge to economics dogma. But there are omissions as well.
There’s a reason they call them ‘impulse purchases.’ frankieleon/Flickr

The dark side of free markets

While free markets have delivered benefits, they also prey on our weaknesses, tempting us to buy things that are bad for us, be it sweet candy or sour investments.
Hamilton’s political enemies unduly tarnished his legacy. 'Hamilton' via

It’s all about the Hamiltons, baby

Alexander Hamilton’s story is our story. It would be a mistake to remove him from the $10 bill.

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