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Articles on Aerodynamics

Displaying 1 - 20 of 23 articles

In addition to a player’s ability to throw it, a number of factors will influence a ball’s flight, including its size, inflation pressure and texture. (Shutterstock)

Higher, faster: what influences the aerodynamics of a football?

A football’s dimensions, pressure and texture affect its aerodynamics, i.e. the forces exerted by the air on the ball as it flies.
Every World Cup, Adidas introduces a new ball, and this year’s is called the Al Rihla. Joern Pollex/FIFA via Getty Images

World Cup: This year’s special Al Rihla ball has the aerodynamics of a champion, according to a sports physicist

Adidas releases a new ball for every World Cup. At the highest level of play, a ball that behaves in unexpected ways can throw players off. A sports physicist explains the science of this year’s ball.
Ski jumpers use aerodynamics and physics to overcome gravity – at least for a while. AP Photo/Matthias Schrader

Ski jump: Flying or falling with style?

Ski jumpers do everything they can to counteract the effects of gravity and fly as far as they can down hills.
Planes have many sensors, supplying all kinds of useful data. vaalaa/

Too many airplane systems rely on too few sensors

A pilot and researcher knows that airplanes are full of sensors – and finds a way onboard computers can use the data to detect equipment failure and tell pilots what’s a real emergency and what’s not.
Do the holes in the banner carried by these Vietnam veterans during an Anzac Day parade in Canberra make any difference? AAP Image/Alan Porritt

Do wind vent holes in banners make a difference? We used a wind tunnel to find out

Attend any ANZAC Day parade and you might see people carrying banners with holes cut in them. They’re supposed to cut any drag or wind resistance but do they do any good?
Cyclists in the Monash Wind Tunnel are able to measure the effects of their gear on wind resistance. Monash University

The aerodynamics of a Tour de France time trial

As the Tour de France approaches its final days, teams will be looking to place their top riders in the best possible position for the all-important individual time trial in the penultimate stage, where…
Mark Webber of Red Bull Racing takes a new-look car for a spin during pre-season testing in Spain. EPA/Roman Rios

Nose jobs and turbo boosts: Formula 1 car redesign in 2014

The big race of the annual Australian Formula 1 Grand Prix is coming up this Sunday at Albert Park, Melbourne – and it marks the beginning of a new era as a new set of rules and regulations are adopted…

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