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Articles on Bacteriophage

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The satellite virus MiniFlayer (purple) infects cells by attaching itself to the neck of its helper virus, MindFlayer (gray). Tagide deCarvalho

Vampire viruses prey on other viruses to replicate themselves − and may hold the key to new antiviral therapies

Researchers discovered a satellite virus latching onto the neck of another virus called MindFlayer. Studying the viral arms race between similar viruses could lead to new ways to fight infections.
Bacteriophages are viruses that infect bacteria and play a potential role in the evolution of life. NANOCLUSTERING/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY/Science Photo Library via Getty Images

Viruses are both the villains and heroes of life as we know it

Viruses have gotten a bad rap for the many illnesses and pandemics they’ve caused. But viruses are also genetic innovators – and possibly the pioneers of using DNA as the genetic blueprint of life.
Bacteriophage (yellow) are viruses that infect and destroy bacteria (blue). Christoph Burgstedt/Science Photo Library,Getty Images

Engineered viruses can fight the rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria

As the world has focused on the COVID-19 pandemic, other microbial foes are waging war on humans. Antibiotic-resistant bacteria pose a growing threat. But viruses may defeat them.
Design Cells/Shutterstock

In defence of viruses

While a few are killers, viruses are actually important to human health and incredibly useful in medicine.
These bacteria are resistant to antibiotics. Melissa Brower/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention via AP

An ambitious plan to stop the rise of superbugs

Many articles describe the rise of superbugs - bacteria that are resistant to antibiotic drugs - as inevitable. But society has the knowledge to stop the spread of these microbes.
These are viruses called bacteriophages that infect only bacterial cells. Ewa Parylak/

Are viruses the best weapon for fighting superbugs?

Bacteria are becoming resistant to even the most powerful antibiotics. These expensive, hard-to-treat infections are prompting physicians to reassess using viruses to destroy bacteria.
Every surface of our body – inside and out – is covered in microorganisms: bacteria, viruses, fungi and many other microscopic life forms. vrx/

Meet the trillions of viruses that make up your virome

Just because you don’t have the flu doesn’t mean that your aren’t teeming with viruses inside and out. But what are all these viruses doing, if they aren’t making you sick?

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