Louis Monroy-Santander
Teaching Fellow in Defence, Development and Diplomacy, Durham University
Melanie Klinkner
Professor in International Law, Bournemouth University
Melanie O'Brien
Associate Professor in International Law, The University of Western Australia
Rainer Schulze
Professor Emeritus of Modern European History, University of Essex
Jasna Dragovic Soso
Senior Lecturer in International Relations, Goldsmiths, University of London
James Sweeney
Professor, Lancaster Law School, Lancaster University
Kenneth Morrison
Professor of Modern South-East European History, De Montfort University
Giulia Levi
PhD Candidate, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, Bournemouth University
Adis Merdzanovic
Postdoctoral Researcher, Junior Research Fellow, University of Oxford
Majbritt Lyck-Bowen
Research Fellow and Senior Lecturer in Reconciliation and Peacebuilding, University of Winchester
Irial Glynn
Marie Curie Intra-European Fellow at the Institute of History, Leiden University
Damir Mitric
Adjunct Research Fellow, La Trobe University
Laurence Cooley
Lecturer in Comparative Politics, University of Birmingham
Jasmin Mujanović
PhD candidate in Political Science, York University, Canada
Regina E Rauxloh
Senior Lecturer, Law School, University of Southampton