Would you buy medicine from this man? Carol M. Highsmith/Wikimedia Commons February 21, 2020 Why do people believe con artists? Barry M. Mitnick, University of Pittsburgh People everywhere have always had a sweet tooth for the unreal, enthralled by what should be taken as too good to be true. Why do people ignore the obvious and believe the bizarre?
Now part of history. Markus Mainka / Shutterstock.com September 30, 2019 Why historians are fighting to save Thomas Cook’s enormous archive Stephanie Decker, Aston University Thomas Cook may be history – but that history is about to be lost.
Hogarthian image of the South Sea Bubble. Edmund Matthew Ward (1816-1879) February 8, 2017 Women were to blame for the South Sea Bubble (according to men) Anne Murphy, University of Hertfordshire Reports of the time gave the financial scandal what were considered to be female attributes.