Women described feeling dehumanised, powerless and violated. Some experienced psychological and emotional abuse, while others were threatened and yelled at.
Epidurals deliver nerve-blocking drugs into the back for pain relief during labour and after surgeries. Epidural kits are currently in short supply, with their use prioritised for obstetric patients.
Compared to women who give birth in a birth centre, those who give birth in hospitals are much more likely to have interventions – from epidurals, to labour augmentation and caesarean deliveries.
A routine childbirth proves expensive and complicated. Insurance company adjustments, inconsistent billing and mystery costs flummoxed even a health policy expert and his wife, a teacher.
There may be additional long-term health harms from antibiotic exposure in early life and before birth, including an increased risk of infection, obesity and asthma.
Our study found babies born via medical or surgical intervention were at increased risk of health problems, from jaundice and feeding issues, to diabetes, respiratory infections and eczema.
The particular makeup of a newborn’s gut microbes is important as it has been shown to affect their risk of developing certain diseases later in childhood and adulthood.