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Articles on Childhood anxiety

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Warm, supportive caregiving can help counteract the effects of stress during childhood and development. Halfpoint Images/Moment via Getty Images

Positive parenting can help protect against the effects of stress in childhood and adolescence, new study shows

Without supportive parents, children already under stress may experience a shrinkage in brain volume in an area of the brain that is important for learning and memory.
People who experience anxiety in childhood are more likely to deal with it in adulthood too. fizkes/iStock via Getty Images Plus

Anxiety detection and treatment in early childhood can lower risk for long-term mental health issues – an expert panel now recommends screening starting at age 8

Anxiety is the most common mental health issue facing children and adolescents. But research shows that early screening – including in school settings – can identify children who are at risk.
School students took to the streets in Melbourne and other Australian cities back in March as part of a global rally on climate change. Now they’re doing it again. AAP Image/Ellen Smith

Ignoring young people’s climate change fears is a recipe for anxiety

Young people have reason to protest today and call for action on climate change. But they risk anxiety if they feel they are not heard and nothing is done.
Understanding the source of child anxiety is important. Some fears may be easily soothed; others, such as fears of bullying, may require adult intervention. (Shutterstock)

Back-to-school anxiety? Here are seven simple solutions

As the first days of school approach rapidly, an educational psychologist offers strategies for combating anxiety in children and teens.
Starting a new school can be stressful. But as a parent, you can help. Kamira/

How parents can help their freshman teens cope with stress

School can always be stressful, but starting high school for the first time comes with its own fears and anxieties. Here’s some simple advice for parents to help their freshmen navigate the new year.
When we send children off to school, we are asking them to leave their secure base and head off into the great unknown. (Shutterstock)

Five steps to prepare your child for kindergarten

Even kids who have attended daycare can find the first days of kindergarten stressful. The good news is that parents can take practical steps this summer, to prepare for the fall transition.

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