The cameras at the Olympics supplied video to television broadcasts – and to online streams.
AP Photo/David J. Phillip
The Olympics are usually profitable for broadcasters and show off the future possibilities of media technologies.
If its services help deliver misinformation to your home, what responsibility does Comcast have for that?
AP Photo/Mike Stewart
Cable providers like Comcast carry Fox News and other channels that feed conspiracy theories and lies into Americans’ homes.
Bad customer service is increasingly good for companies who use it.
Bad customer service is actually good for companies’ bottom lines.
Communities across the U.S. are taking network construction into their own hands.
A recent federal court ruling lets big telecom companies censor the internet in ways that boost their own profits – but also allows local and state governments to outlaw censorship if they wish.
Apple TV Plus has focused on recruiting big names for its shows.
AP Photo/Tony Avelar
Although some have dubbed the flurry of new video services coming out as a ‘streaming war,’ the reality is very different.
Sofa so good.
In ten years, Netflix has built up a streaming business with a staggering 125m subscribers. Here’s what it needs to do next.
AT&T and Time Warner are among the latest companies to merge.
Reuters/Brendan McDermid
A scholar of the media business tries to make sense of the flurry of merger news lately, and why the contested tie-up between AT&T and Time Warner will profoundly reshape the American media landscape.