OTC hearing aids promise to increase the accessibility and affordability of the devices for millions of adults who live with untreated mild to moderate hearing loss.
Only 3.7% of people in the U.S. with hearing difficulty own hearing aids. Thanks to a federal law in progress of being implemented, OTC hearing aids may help bridge the gap.
Prominent GP and former MP Kerryn Phelps has weighed into the doctor-pharmacist turf war, saying pharmacists shouldn’t prescribe because of their financial interests. But the evidence says otherwise.
Only pharmacists can own a pharmacy and you can’t set one up within 1.5km of an existing one. But calls to loosen these rules could give health companies a green light to set up more chemist chains.
Two community pharmacists suggest a way for improving the palatability of evidence-based universal pharmacare – for those working in health insurance, pharmacy and the pharmaceutical industry.