The other flowers a bee has visited recently will influence how it judges this one.
Scott-Cartwright-Photography/Moment via Getty Images
Context, perceptions and expectations affect the choices both bees and people make.
How might a house that comes on the market today affect what you think of this one?
fstop123/E+ via Getty Images
Cognitive scientists are investigating the ways relative factors like new options and the order they’re presented influence your choices and beliefs.
Because you’ve never seen it before, right?
Sarcasm thrives in ambiguous situations, which makes it especially ripe for misinterpretation.
Does gold go to the best snowboarders or the ones with the best place in the order?
AP Photo/Morry Gash
Whether it’s items in a shop, potential speed-dating matches or athletes competing one after another, the order in which they’re presented affects our judgments.