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Articles on Disability sport

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Many of today’s disabled esports players, like Rocky “RockyNoHands” Stoutenburgh, use mouth controllers, which were first used in gaming over 40 years ago. Rocky "RockyNoHands" Stoutenburgh

How people with disabilities got game − the surprisingly long history of access to arcade and video sports

A pioneering effort that allowed a teenager with a neck injury to play pinball sheds light on today’s vibrant community of esports players with disabilities.
Manuela Schaer of Switzerland, right, and Tatyana McFadden of the United States, second from right, compete in the women’s 1500m wheelchair racing T54 final during the Tokyo 2020 Paralympics Games. (AP Photo/Eugene Hoshiko)

Paralympians still don’t get the kind of media attention they deserve as elite athletes

The media determines how Paralympians are depicted to viewers. What it chooses to focus on can help change attitudes about disability.

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